FAQ Custom CBL products

  • Use the text box and image upload feature to help us understand what you'd like us to make. If you're not sure where to start, get in touch and we'll walk you through our recommendations and capabilities. You can call/text, email, or use the site chat feature

  • Custom orders are nonreturnable, but we endeavor to create a wonderful experience for you. If something isn't right, please reach out to us with your concern and we will provide several solutions, which could include replacement or repair. In order to prevent this, we strongly recommend you request a proof to ensure you receive what you expect. 

  • Are these circuit boards real? YES, and they really are this colorful! Refer to the color chart for an idea of the colors available 

  • We use keyboard circuitry overlays to create a more interesting white space: this is especially cool for flags that have a lot of white, like Texas and the USA flag

  • Need a lot of something? Contact us for bulk rates

  • If you'd like us to include a gift message with your order, please leave instructions in the "order note" text box in your cart

  • Want to pick up locally in DC? Leave your request in the "order note" text box on the cart page and we'll get in touch to make arrangements

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