Happy New Science Friday

Happy *NEW SCIENCE* Friday

The highlights: Get ready for Father's Day, meet Dr. Petria Thompson, and of course a science comic!

Are you ready for Father's Day?


I know the tie is pretty cliche for Father's day, but what about NERDY ties? We have math, circuitry, and space themes! But if that's just not a good fit, we've got plenty of fun (re: nerdy) and unexpected gifts to choose from.


New projects from this week


We're expanding our circuit board mini art offerings since you love them so much. They're not up just yet but here's a sneak peek!

Meet Petria Thompson, MD, PhD

From @drpeachtree:

When I started the Medical Science Training Program (MSTP) program 7 years ago I was so excited and nervous about what my time at @vumedicine would look like. Since then, I’ve learned so much personally and professionally. My top 3 lessons were:

#1 No one achieves anything alone

#2 Know the difference between who you're expected to be and who you are.

#3 Not everyone is going to root for you. Grind anyway. Shine anyway.

Cheers to finally being finished with these TWO doctorate degrees!

Come see Circuit Breaker Labs at a local event! You can see our schedule HERE.

Viva Vienna
May 30-31 2021
Vienna, VA
Dupont Pride Pop-up
June 12 2021
Dupont Circle, Washington DC



Need more gift ideas? Try these:

Product Rec 2  Product Rec 3 Product Rec 7
Scientist-in-Training Baby Card Science Pencil Cup - 250 mL Beaker Chemistry Pencil Cup - 250 mL Beaker