Happy *NEW SCIENCE* Friday!
Happy *NEW SCIENCE* Friday!

Because Science: Opens October 1
Because Science opens October 1 and will be having a science themed Halloween party on Thursday October 21 (stay tuned for details!). If you visit us, show this email at the register to claim your FREE swag bag.
Click the button below for hours and store location.
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Have it your way
You're one-of-a-kind. Your art should be too. We love working with customers to create unique works of art that fit perfectly in your home or lab. Reply to this email to get started or look here and here to see some examples.
See custom projects

Our latest large-scale logo piece
Making the logo
Meet Dr. Sherille Sanders
From Sherille:
"Was anyone else fascinated by microscopes growing up?
I don’t know if that is the mark of someone destined to become a scientist, but it’s always been a favorite instrument of mine. I was that kid that looked forward to viewing slides in school and seeing the anatomy of all types of cells.
I ended up completing my undergrad studies in microbiology and although I went on to become an immunologist, I currently work in a microbiologist position. I’ve worked with all types of microscopes throughout the years. I even helped co-publish a manuscript in the journal of molecular biology on the 3D structure of treponema pallidum (causes syphilis) using cyro electron tomography.
Even till this day, cellular structures under a microscope intrigue me. When I look at things, I still feel like that excited kid, exploring the world at a micro level."
Sherille's Instagram: @ dr_sedulously.fit
Come see Circuit Breaker Labs at a local event! You can see our schedule HERE.
Because Science Store Opening
October 1
2674D Avenir Pl, Vienna, VA 22108
Occoquan Fall Arts & Crafts Show
September 25-26
Occoquan, VA
URBN Market
September 25-26
Fairfax, VA