Happy Pi Day!
Happy *NEW SCIENCE* Friday!

I'm irrationally happy it's pi day
- April 5: By this day, 3.14 months of the year have passed.
- July 22: When written in the day/month format (22/7) this day corresponds to the fraction (22/7) that pi is usually depicted as.
- November 10: The 314th day of the year (November 9 in leap years).
Shop Pi Gifts
New location- coming soon!
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March 25-27 Capital Craft Fair, Dulles, VA
March 26 Union Station Market
April 2-3 Art Blooms, Mosaic District
April 24 Earth Day Event, Lee Heights Shopping Center, Arlington, VA
April 30-May 1 Spring Market, Fairfax Corner
May 1 First Sunday Arts Festival, Annapolis, MD
May 6-7 Spring Market at Mosaic
May 13-15 Virginia Beach Spring Craft Market
May 20-22 ACC Baltimor
e (convention center)
June 4-5 Occoquan Riverfest Craft Show
June 5 First Sunday Arts Festival, Annapolis, MD
June 4 Annapolis Pride Festival
July 3 First Sunday Arts Festival, Annapolis, MD

Meet Chrystelle L. Vilfranc PhD
From Chrystelle:
"3/01/21… It’s my Defense-aversary (anniversary of my successful thesis defense) 🥳😪
While I am proud of myself for getting PhinisheD, I’m still working through the disappointment of how I sacrificed my mental health safety and my physical health. I could convince myself that I needed to push through for the good of completing the work or not wanting folks to use my time off or lack of productivity against me. I’m dramatic, but I’m not being dramatic when I say, I could have lost my life. Yet, it was more important to me, especially as a BLACK woman to still show up and find a way to do the work despite any mental and physical health crises or episodes. I managed to survive a poor work environment without the proper internal support, just to let someone know it’s not worth it.
I promised myself that I will never work in an environment or surround myself with folks who devalue my life or my work ever again. While I’m still healing DAILY through my grad school trauma, I can thankfully say that my current position is not adding salt to any of my wounds. So far the only real tears I’ve cried here, are the moments when I reflect on how this position is helping me keep that promise to myself. I’m doing better by myself and that’s what I’m most proud of one year later.
I want to use my experiences to 1.) work to stop the bs that is allowed in academia that is often dismissed as “the culture,” 2.) advise and support students on how to avoid harmful spaces during their training experiences, and 3.) help students who might be stuck in the thick of the harm, find a way out of it and a better place to thrive.
They gone truly regret giving me them letters ☺️."
Chrystelle's Instagram: @drchrysvilfranc